All posts tagged: focus

Meditation and Mindfulness

  Most of us think of meditation as sitting in an odd position and chanting some kind of mantra. In reality, meditation involves simple mindfulness. It ultimately requires us to be fully present in the now. It isn’t dwelling on past events or pondering future experiences. Mindfulness is a conscious focus or concentration. Most importantly, it really happens in the absence of distractions, although many successfully meditate listening to background or inspirational music. The practice can be started by devoting a simple 10 minutes of our day, a mere fraction of th 24 hours we are blessed with each day. Not a huge endeavor if you think of the scope and sequence of your day! Here are some tips that I have found helpful to make the time set aside for meditation more productive and meaningful: Read a scripture passage and insert yourself into the narrative. Allow your mind to freely go to that place with all the senses. (St. Ignatius liked this!) Be aware of your measured breathing, realizing that you are fully alive …

Find the Right Key to Unlock Your Motivation

Are you still looking for the key to unlock your full potential? It’s not hard, with a few small steps, you can unlock your full potential but it begin with the right attitude.  A positive attitude is the key to unlock and recharge positive motivations.  Motivation gets you up in the morning charged and ready for action and positive things happen when you take action. Motivation gives you determination to focus on what needs to be done. Even the most motivated among us, me and you included, can feel at times unmotivated.  Sometimes when the negative thoughts begin and we allow ourselves to get into a slump, even the simplest task can seem overwhelming.  But it’s not hopeless, you can recharge yourself to continue towards positive change.  We have all been there, in fact I still visit from time to time. When I hit the brick wall, I have found that in most cases I have too much going on and I have gone off course.  My focus is no longer on my goal. This can happen, especially when …

I’ll Share a Secret – Come Closer

Goals – A secret to accomplishing what matters most to you is writing your goals down. Writing down your goals and committing to them is important for many reasons, I have listed six important reasons. Writing down your goals forces you to clarify what you want. This goal could be a major milestone in your life so give it thought, be specific. It’s going to naturally motivate you to take action. Writing it down is just the first step, Being clear and precise of what you want and reviewing this daily will help keep you focused and motivated. Having the goal in the forefront of your daily life is a reminder of what can be and how your Life will improve or change. Don’t be distracted by those daily occurrences – you know those fires we are continuous putting out. Share your goal with friends, like minded friends that want to see you follow your dream. Writing down your goal will help you stay focused on the goal and what it will mean in your life. Things …

Is it a Wish or a Goal?

These past two weeks I’ve been posting on helping you focus and find clarity,  and the importance of working on developing your focus so you can have clarity on what you really need or want to change.  When it’s clear to you, what you want to see changed, then you will begin working on having a clearer understanding of your goals and dreams. Now I ask you is this change only a wish or a Goal?  If you don’t write down your goals then they are only wishes and soon forgotten.  But if you want to see change in your life then WRITE IT DOWN. Do you go to the grocery store to do your weekly shopping without writing down what you need?  No, then why would you want to change your life for the better – and not think it’s important enough to write it down. Focus on the change and your goal will be clear. Statistics show people who write down their goals have a higher success rate of achieving them, in fact 50 to …

Clarity Affords Focus

The 1960’s song by The Who “I can see for miles and miles” makes we think how much easier it would be if only we could see for miles and miles, especially as it relates to our life.  If only our life, goals and dreams were as easy to see, but that’s just in the movies.  We have to work on it and focus is the main denominator. Brain games “play attention games” challenges not only improve our memory but also our focus. We do have control of our focus but it’s also the one thing that is challenged by all that we do and in a lot of cases we put it on the back burner.  From our tech world to our busy multitasking life, in general there is always an abundant of distractions.  Distractions along with stress is the enemy of attentional focus. Setting aside quite time, just to clear our mind of all those crazy thoughts and relaxing can help begin clearing out the cobwebs to focus better.  We stay on autopilot most of the day, just …

Choosing Your Life’s Path with Clarity

Do you know where you’re going, what’s the plan for your life, which life path shall you choose? Or do you feel like Alice? One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. “Which road do I take?” she asked.  His response was a question “Where do you want to go?” I don’t know said Alice, then it won’t really matter which road you take.” The reality is a great many of us don’t have a clue where we are heading.  We just keep putting one foot in front of the other and continue on.  Or if we do we are afraid to make the change.  If you don’t want to see your years fly by, or looking back and seeing yourself on the wrong path then direction is important. Not having a clear direction, not having a goal, not knowing where you are going, it’s all the same. You just can’t get “there,” can never arrive anywhere, because you don’t really have a destination. Without direction how can your goal and dreams …

FOCUS 1, 2, 3, NOW Breathe

Can’t see the forest for the trees or do you need new glasses to focus? The proverbial forest for the trees refers to someone who is seeing the details but not the overall picture or, he has all the facts but he just can’t seem to put it all together.  An expression used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole. We can get so wrapped up in the details that the final product, the big picture, never comes together. One must stay focused on the big picture and not get tripped up by the little details, as we all know it’s those little details that we love to work on. Do you find yourself putting out fires, focusing only on what’s in front of you or do you procrastinate and never get around to finishing even the little details. Or is your specialty multitasking?  If you’re like I was, multitasking was a badge of honor to be worn proudly, but I have had to learn I’m …