All posts tagged: sanguine

“When All My Ducks Are in a Row” The Melancholy

  Organized, methodical, and strictly by the book. The Melancholy doesn’t do anything by chance and rarely on a whim!  They are strategic planners with a great attention to detail. If they are going to embark upon anything from where to eat dinner to making a career change, a certain degree of research, thought, and deliberation will have to take place. Unlike the Sanguine who will jump at the first job offer or new car they see on the lot, the Melancholy will weigh all the pros and cons. They will talk themselves in and out of a decision a dozen times claiming that it “just doesn’t feel right.”  Because they are the most sensitive and feeling of all the temperaments, they often base their thought processes on emotion. When a Melancholy’s perceptions are flawed by feelings, it’s sometimes difficult to convince them that certain adjustments and changes to be made are in their best interest. Because of their high intellect, a Melancholy will only trust the opinions and advice of those they feel possess …

“I Live for Change!”-The Sanguine Temperament

  I wrote this article from the heart, because I am currently raising a Sanguine child.  Of all the temperament types that might “live in the moment”,  the Sanguine tops the list. Their shoes, keys, and bag are located right near the door, and they are always ready to bolt! Everything excites them especially if it involves something new. The Sanguine has no problem trying new things and are adventurous by their very nature. If someone offers them a get-rich-quick scheme, they’re all ears.  They might go out to run errands and come home with a new car!  When applying for a job they will be the most likely to take the first offer they get.  While they might not come up with the idea for a new business, they will get on board if it sounds exciting, cutting edge, or lucrative. The down side of the Sanguine is that as quickly as they get involved in a new venture or trend, they are equally prone to want to move on to greener pastures. Because they are …

Temperament Types and Approach to Challenge

  Our temperament plays an important role in the way we approach tasks and challenges. Back in the 5th century B.C., Hippocrates came up with a description of people and their personalities and learning styles called the temperaments. We have the Outgoing Sanguine, Perfect Melancholy, Powerful Choleric, and the Laid Back Phlegmatic. As of late another temperament, The Elusive Supine has been described as not exactly fitting into any those four, possessing unique characteristics of the other types. In our upcoming series we will look at how each of these temperament types help frame the way individuals approach challenges, and goal setting. Based on our temperament blending we have different notions of how we define our level of satisfaction of the life we are living. Some people are more prone to embrace change, while others fight it tooth and nail. Still others are willing to accept things as they are, while another group of people are always looking for ways to improve and seek to achieve more. The temperament types also have a different way …

Develop Your Family Culture!

  Working with a family over any length of time, you will quickly discover their habits and practices.  They are unique to each family and define the nature of who they are now and define what they will become. What is the culture of your family? As parents we bring the culture of our own upbringing into our new creation. With that comes the whole package of the good, the bad and the ugly in some cases. Is your family culture one that displays mutual admiration, respect, and positive feedback? With our children, the way we speak to and about our spouse speaks volumes to our children. Do they witness critique for the sake of empowering each other versus criticism, negativity, and put downs? When progress is made, do you take the opportunity to praise your child for a job well done? When we take time to pause before coming out with a negative barb, we can avert an unnecessary confrontation and the need to apologize later. I try to establish a cease fire with …

What Is Your Temperament Type?

  How many times have you taken one of those “personality” tests only to find that you are lumped into a group of people having only similar tendencies? The problem with most of these assessments is that they are generated to point out generalities that we all possess to some degree. The Arno Profile System is an assessment that not only gives you a snapshot of how your are wired, but breaks it down to four specific areas. It is a detailed set of results, unique to you, with pinpoint accuracy. We all have to live and manage our lives in the areas of inclusion, control, affection, and spirituality. Intertwined within these four areas are the temperaments of the Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholy, and Supine. The Supine temperament is unique only to the APS temperament analysis. Inclusion describes who we choose to let into our world and how many people we want to interact with on a daily basis. Some of us have a lot of surface relationships but few close associations. The Sanguine loves a crowd and …

Give and Take-The Sanguine

If the first thing you did today was to check how many “likes” you had on Facebook, this article might resemble you. The Sanguine is the consummate people person! They love to have that constant contact with others. They not only express a great amount of love and affection, but also have the need to receive large amounts as well.  Sanguines are very engaging, approachable and emotionally open. They love warm embraces and hugs, and family members and friends can expect frequent expressions of love either physically or in sweet acts of kindness. Wow, this person sounds great, right? Well living on this level does have it’s drawbacks. The weakness of the Sanguine in affection is that they need constant reassurance of the love of others in the form of attention. They can become devastated when they don’t feel appreciated and can be a bit jealous at times. When they sense that  affection is being received by someone else, they become angry when this exclusive bond in invaded. Once their faith in a relationship is restored, …

Are You in That 2% of the Population?

  “Yes I Will!  On Second Thought, No I Won’t.”  This statement might sound a bit confusing at first glance, and you’re correct in that observation. This is precisely the message sent to others by the Sanguine. In the area of control, the Sanguine temperament practices an all or nothing philosophy. There are times when they are as controlling as the Choleric one day, then swing like a pendulum back to dependence on others. Needless to say this pattern is quite perplexing to the people who know and love them! They are aggressive, responsible, demanding and capable of achieving any task. When this individual doesn’t get the response or praise they seek, they become self–indulgent, drop everything or simply retreat. In other words, this person will volunteer and give their heart and soul to any undertaking as long as others are showing appreciation and giving them accolades. The good news is that the Sanguine won’t stay in the self-indulgent pity party for very long. After a short period of time they begin to recognize this behavior is making them feel …

The Sanguine is “The Social Butterfly”

It’s safe to say that the sanguine is the most outgoing of all the temperament types. They don’t know a stranger! They love social interaction and gatherings of any kind. Their shoes are “always at the door” ready to go! When they walk into a room, people take notice. Usually talking the loudest, telling the best stories and jokes, and dressed in the latest trend,  a sanguine is the center of attention.(unless there are is another sanguine)  Hippocrates described the sanguine temperament by the color red. Feeling a sense of restlessness when inactive, the sanguine really doesn’t like the prospect of being alone. For a sanguine “Life is Exciting!” They are optimistic and can lift up those who are depressed or lonely. It’s believed St. Peter was probably a sanguine. While all of this sounds fantastic, the sanguine temperament has a few character flaws. Because they like to “go, go, go”, they can run into problems with spending. They are the most impulsive of the temperament types, so it’s not unusual for them to go overboard in everything …

Temperament Analysis and Life Coaching

One of the best assessment tools a life coach can have is a Temperament Analysis assessment. In simple terms, temperament is the inborn, God-given part of man that determines how we react to people, places, and things. Our temperament also defines our perceptions of ourselves and the people we choose to associate with.  In addition, it is the determining factor in the way we handle the pressure and stresses of life. Our temperament is different from the mask we wear called personality, which is shaped by our experiences and environment. Our temperament is as unique as a fingerprint, in that we are rarely a pure temperament type. There are five basic temperaments: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy, sanguine, and supine. Most people are a blending of these in the areas of inclusion, control, and affection.  Looking at this in simplistic terms, inclusion determines who is in or out of a relationship. Control determines who maintains the power and makes decisions in relationships. Affection is the way we choose to remain emotionally close or distant in relationships Life …

Reframing Roles in Life Coaching – The Hero and the Mascot

  The Hero provides a sense of self-esteem for the family unit. It’s their perceived responsibility to carry “the banner” for the public to see. In her adult life, shee seeks to make her family proud, but suffers from the intense need to always keep up appearances. A woman who acts as the hero in relationships can be compulsive about her achievements and perfection. This can adversely affect significant and familial relationships by unrealistic expectations of others as well as herself. The choleric temperament can usually be found woven somewhere within the hero. The good news is that being success driven, the hero can be open to redirection through the life coaching process. The Mascot served as the one who provided humor and comic relief for the family. They are most often the youngest of the siblings. While entertaining, the mascot often squelched their true feelings at the risk of being emotionally underdeveloped. A woman who presents in this way toa life coach may be a “social butterfly”, and well connected in surface social relationships. She …