All posts tagged: ARNO Profile systems

What is Your Achilles Heel?

“When I am weak, I am strong.” This statement strikes us as at first glace as being nonsense! How can I possibly be strong if I am weak? The fact is that in terms of society’s perception of being powerful, it makes no sense. In Christian terms this is called a spiritual paradox. A paradox is something that defies common sense. The only time we actually hear St. Paul boast, in 2 Corinthians 12. is where he admits to “possessing a thorn in the flesh“. He claimed that Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness. This weakness allowed the power of Christ to exist and dwell in him. When we acknowledge our weaknesses and character defects, and we ask for help in overcoming them, we allow Him to go to work. He is glorified when we admit our shortcomings. We can then come before Him in prayer and daily meditation to humbly ask for assistance in being of better service to ourselves and others. What is your Achilles heel? We all have one or more traits that get in the way of our spirituality, relationships, …

The Creative, Thought Inspired Melancholy in Social Interactions

  Of  all the temperament types, the melancholy requires the least social interaction. It’s not because they don’t like people. They simply derive and sustain their energy level from within. The melancholy is the only temperament type able to go to a  quiet place and simply be on a regular basis. They are introspective, creative, and usually artistic. Most songwriters, painters, singers, and writers are melancholy. The inner conflict arises when the go so far into themselves that they send others the wrong message. There is that  danger of isolating and having a sense that they don’t belong. They can be perceived as eccentric, reclusive, or even depressed, when in fact they just prefer to live on the edge or do their own thing. A melancholy who enters into the life coaching relationship comes to realize their unique temperament and begin to use it to their advantage. They can also be persuaded to come out of their comfort zone and take risks. The melancholy is only comfortable entering into social situations that are familiar. In the life coaching process, as individuals learn more about …

The 4 E’s of Controlling Worry Anxiety- Embrace It!

  Previously I discussed the first two E’s those being, Externalize It and Explore It. Next we will look at the one we tend to get hung up on, when we are asked to Embrace It. This requires an element of surrender on our part. Our first natural response to fear, worry and anxiety is fight or flight. We try to fight it off but our brain says, “Hello, You’re not paying attention here!” Fear and anxiety are usually clear indicators that we are running on self-will alone and not placing our trust in God. Fear inspires. Fear affects. Fear propels us either into action or spiraling into despair. Life will always throw us the” what ifs“. Our response needs to be, “Ok, what now?” This is where God is able to get to work and turn our question marks into exclamation marks. We have to acknowledge what causes us anxiety and confront it for what it is. A life coach can walk you through the process of separating fact from fiction, and faulty perceptions from reality. A personal …

Temperament Analysis and Life Coaching

One of the best assessment tools a life coach can have is a Temperament Analysis assessment. In simple terms, temperament is the inborn, God-given part of man that determines how we react to people, places, and things. Our temperament also defines our perceptions of ourselves and the people we choose to associate with.  In addition, it is the determining factor in the way we handle the pressure and stresses of life. Our temperament is different from the mask we wear called personality, which is shaped by our experiences and environment. Our temperament is as unique as a fingerprint, in that we are rarely a pure temperament type. There are five basic temperaments: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy, sanguine, and supine. Most people are a blending of these in the areas of inclusion, control, and affection.  Looking at this in simplistic terms, inclusion determines who is in or out of a relationship. Control determines who maintains the power and makes decisions in relationships. Affection is the way we choose to remain emotionally close or distant in relationships Life …

Acceptance is the Beginning of Your Spiritual Journey

Acceptance is a powerful word and it seems to be used less and less in today’s society. When I was contemplating the problems facing society today the phrase “We need to be more accepting of others” kept coming to mind. A Life Coach can accompany you on your journey by assisting you in designing a personal growth  plan that would include the tool “acceptance”. Life Coaching Partners offers The Arno Profile System (APS) or Temperament Test that is designed to help individuals to understand the way God “hard-wired” you as a unique and divinely created masterpiece. This test will help realize that you don’t make wholesale changes for changing sake but you make wholesale changes to improve the quality of your life and others around you. A Life Coach will walk alongside you as you discover the areas of change that will improve your life such as acceptance and tolerance of others. This path of encouragement and support will give you the insight on how to become a better person and start you on a more rewarding …

Ever Wonder Why You’re “Wired that Way”?

Life Coaching Partners can help take the WHY out of why am I”Wired that Way”. The Arno Profile System (APS) is designed to help individuals to understand the way God “hard-wired” them a unique and divinely created masterpiece. Many people take various personality tests which simply label them as ONE type and place them in a SINGLE category. Temperament Analysis differs from these assessments in that it gives a snapshot of strengths and weaknesses as they apply to maintaining close relationships, social interactions, and control as it relates to each of these areas. Life Coaching Partners help you to learn how  to capitalize on your strengths in your temperament areas to help bring about positive change in your life. Your temperament is like a fingerprint; i.e. it is totally unique. This assessment was developed after years of research and testing of individuals in longitudinal studies beginning in 1982.  The test has an accuracy rate of 95.2%.