All posts tagged: life coach

Money, Misers, and Mega-spenders

  It’s a well known fact that most marital discord stems from financial strain.  It’s one of those things that many people don’t fully discuss as a couple in the marriage preparation process. Whether couples find it uncomfortable, or they simply think it will all work out one way or another, it’s not always addressed directly. At one end of the spectrum is the female “spend-o-holic” who has reserved parking at the mall, several maxed-out Visa gold cards, and  a five-star rating as an Amazon customer. If there’s a pair of  incredible shoes that comes in multiple colors, it’s a no brainer!  More is better, right?  Then we have the male counterpart, the “Big Ticket” spender. He’s the purveyor of fine cars, fast boats, and big boy toys. When these two get together, it can be a dangerous proposition, requiring serious earning power. Then at the other end of the spectrum, we have the “spendthrift” male or female. Here are your professional coupon clippers, and keepers of the 79 degree thermostat. If it’s not 50% …

Reaching Goals- The Jet Plane Analogy

    When we are setting goals, it’s easy to fall into the short-sighted frame of reference. While it’s always prudent to live in the present, we also have to have some sense of anticipated outcomes. I love the analogy of taking off on a rainy day flight to a destination. We find ourselves sitting on the runway, ready for take off, with cloudy skies around us and rain trickling down the  windows. We’re aware that there’s a sunny destination a few hours away, but it’s hard to conjure up that image presently.  We take off with the confidence we place in the pilot, and we soon break through the storm clouds to a cruising level where the dark clouds are below us. The sun is shining brightly now, and we settle into our flight. We begin to relax, and contemplate the first day’s itinerary. In the same way, when we plot a course from where we are to where we want to be, we have to take into account that there will be delays …

Spiritual Direction Life Coach, Charles W.Drury

Our site contains many articles and personal reflections describing the benefits of adding the spiritual direction component to the life coaching experience and relationship. In many cases it is that disconnect from God and our spiritual being that results in feeling incomplete or unfulfilled in other areas such as relationships or career. It is the missing link between trying to “find spirituality” and the realization that you are already a “spiritual being” trying to find a relationship with God in the process of being human! Contact me for a  free initial consultation to discover if spiritual development can help to bring your Cross of Life into the balance of love, worship, work, and play. Charles W. Drury, C.L.C.         504-214-0273

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

When we decide to set goals to affect positive change in our lives, they don’t have to be monumental.  Our desired outcome can be to do a better job on our procrastination, practice better time management, or find time to begin a hobby. We make have more lofty goals such as starting a new business or making a career change. Perhaps we want to strengthen our faith life through spiritual direction. Whatever the direction we might be headed, we must first of all be realistic in terms of our expectations. This is where S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting system can come in handy in plotting out a personal growth plan with a life coach. S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant T = Targeted Time You may be ready to set smart goals, both large and small, to set you on a course for a more fulfilled and victorious life. If you are ready to chart a course for self-improvement, we at Life Coaching  Partners are here to help you navigate. Contact us …

Alone at the Pity Party

    “When we decide to attend a pity party, we usually show up a day early, overdressed, and without an escort” Self pity is one of the most dangerous ways we indulge our ego. It is that self-centeredness that our ego feeds upon in the form of feeling sorry for ourselves. Self pity tries to keep our vision clouded as to the reality of the situation. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of viewing situations based on our emotions.  We never get any good breaks, people are out to get us, or I’m stuck here without any options. The problem with self pity is that it encourages us to blame others for our dilemmas and discourages personal responsibility. Most people don’t enjoy spending time at another person’s pity party. We may listen for a while, and even sympathize to some degree, but over time we dread their phone calls or running into them at an event. I always think to myself, “Gosh, I hope I don’t come off that way when I’m talking …

The Four Temperaments…Plus 1

  This graphic gives a snapshot of the temperaments and generally describes how we are hard-wired.  Here at Life Coaching Partners we administer the APS Temperament Analysis. It is unique in that it is the only such analysis that has uncovered a 5th temperament, the supine. The supine is the “missing link” in that is expresses a collection of attributes that didn’t fall squarely into any other grouping. The truth of the matter is that rarely is an individual a pure temperament. Most of us would be unbearable to others as well of ourselves if we were!  We are typically a blending of two types in the areas of inclusion, control, and affection.  One type is usually more dominant and operative than the other.  Once we know what our temperament type is, we gain insight into how God created us to exist, function, and interact with others in relationships. If you are struggling in relationships or maintaining them, this analysis is the perfect way to understand why you act or think the way you do.  Some of …

Going around the Same Mountain

While there are many paths to the summit, a skilled climber or hiker will assess the terrain, angle gradient, possible hazards, and weather conditions. Those of us who aren’t skilled in this area may view the top as unattainable because we don’t have all the information or experience we need. In the same way we can go through life unwilling to explore options, and  end up going around the same mountain over and over again. We know deep inside that life has wonderful possibilities  We see others realizing their dreams and aspirations. People tell us about our potential, yet we remain stuck in the same dead end cycle year after year. It amounts to doing the same thing we’ve always done and expecting different results. I believe this is what Einstein called the definition of insanity. While we might not be diagnosed as being certifiably insane, when we live feeling unfulfilled we’re living in a state of DISease.  We aren’t comfortable with where we are, we want to take it to another level, but we …

What Is Your Temperament Type?

  How many times have you taken one of those “personality” tests only to find that you are lumped into a group of people having only similar tendencies? The problem with most of these assessments is that they are generated to point out generalities that we all possess to some degree. The Arno Profile System is an assessment that not only gives you a snapshot of how your are wired, but breaks it down to four specific areas. It is a detailed set of results, unique to you, with pinpoint accuracy. We all have to live and manage our lives in the areas of inclusion, control, affection, and spirituality. Intertwined within these four areas are the temperaments of the Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholy, and Supine. The Supine temperament is unique only to the APS temperament analysis. Inclusion describes who we choose to let into our world and how many people we want to interact with on a daily basis. Some of us have a lot of surface relationships but few close associations. The Sanguine loves a crowd and …

“Let Me Love You From a Safe Distance” – The Melancholy

  Of all the temperament types the Melancholy seems to have the least need for “warm fuzzies” but looks can be deceiving.  They approach very few people for close personal relationships. However, those chosen few receive a great deal of unfailing love. They might not express this affection in so many words and physical displays of love, instead they choose to perform acts of kindness. Once they establish a relationship they are loyal and faithful friends and lovers. An individual with this affection temperament is self-sacrificing to the end. The Melancholy temperament finds it easy to empathize with others, and has the ability to make deep commitments. There are some roadblocks on the way so getting there is often the problem! The Melancholy is plagued with feelings of distrust at times mingled in with low self–esteem. They are often looking for a hidden agenda, and questioning whether or not they are worthy of someone’s love and attention. Because their feelings can be so easily hurt, they seldom reveal their deep, inner self. They are the most emotionally guarded of …

“Show Me the Love” – The Supine

The deepest need of a Supine is to have proof that they are sincerely loved and deeply appreciated. When they feel this sense of security in a relationship, they respond with an incredible amount of love and affection. The Supine is also capable of an absolute and deep commitment to a relationship, going above and beyond the call of duty to their loved ones. The Supine mother will go out of their way to provide for her children making sure all of their emotional and physical needs are met. She is the dutiful wife who will wake up at  5:00 a.m. the prepare a hearty breakfast for her spouse and pack his lunch. Sounds like an overachiever, right? While the Supine is a “suffering servant“, their efforts can sometimes have a price tag.  They expect accolades and praise for their efforts. When they don’t feel “the love” returned in the way they would like, anger and resentment can sometimes set in. They also expect others to read their minds and are indirect in the way they …