Clarity Coach, Feeling Stuck
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FOCUS 1, 2, 3, NOW Breathe

Can’t see the forest for the trees or do you need new glasses to focus?


The proverbial forest for the trees refers to someone who is seeing the details but not the overall picture or, he has all the facts but he just can’t seem to put it all together.  An expression used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.

We can get so wrapped up in the details that the final product, the big picture, never comes together. One must stay focused on the big picture and not get tripped up by the little details, as we all know it’s those little details that we love to work on.

recite-3u6vasDo you find yourself putting out fires, focusing only on what’s in front of you or do you procrastinate and never get around to finishing even the little details.

Or is your specialty multitasking?  If you’re like I was, multitasking was a badge of honor to be worn proudly, but I have had to learn I’m not as productive as I thought.  Multitasking can be a great disguise for poor focusing skills.  We honestly know that we have a problem with focusing and concentration and yes there is help.

Wish it was as simple as knowing when our readers are out of focus and we need to go up in size.  It can make all the difference in your vision helping you focus clearer.

Clear-forest-in-glassesIf only a new pair of readers were the answer to helping you focus on your life or help you discover your true desires for happiness in work or at home.  A Clarity Coach is your mentor, someone to help narrow down your ideas of how you see your life and where you want to go.  A Clarity Coach can join you on this journey as we identify your goals so you can progress confidently towards your dream with a clear vision and a plan.  You no longer have to live in a life that is out of focus or one that your just stuck in. We only stay because it’s comfortable, it’s what we know best but is that living a victorious life with purpose and happiness?

Kathy Lovitt, Clarity Coach


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